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Biblical Foundations For Life Video Resources
Biblical Foundations For Life
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Knowing Jesus Christ as Lord
The New Way of Living
New Testament Baptisms
Building for Eternity
Living in the Grace of God
Freedom from the Curse
Learning to Fellowship with God
What is the Church?
Authority and Accountability
God's Perspective on Finances
Called to Minister
The Great Commission
Building a Solid Foundation
Knowing Jesus Christ as Lord
Foundation of Jesus Christ
Our personal relationship with God
Jesus - The only way to God
Realize we are lost in our sins
Repent and believe
Confess Jesus as Lord
Receive salvation and become God's child
Counting the Cost
Total commitment required
Consider the cost
Bear the cross
Jesus must be Lord of everything
Sell out!
It all belongs to Him
How to be spiritually reborn
Total Trust
The Difference Between Belief and Trust
We trust God because He is God!
We cannot trust our feelings
What if I don't change completely after I give my life to Jesus?
Trust Jesus to forgive us completely
Sins are not remembered
We can count on Him!
Hot, Cold or Lukewarm?
Neither hot nor cold
Spiritual compromise
A way that seems right
Have we turned away from our first love?
He is knocking at your heart's door
The power of your testimony
Real or counterfeit?
I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ
The rich man and the gate
Works Vs. Faith
The New Way of Living
An elementary principle: Repentance from dead works
True repentance or false repentance?
Good works vs. dead works
The futility of our works to save us
God's perspective on good works
True righteousness
What is like a pile of rubbish?
Faith in God
An elementary principle: Faith toward God
We receive Jesus by faith alone
Put yourself to the test
We are righteous through faith in God
Beware of having a sin consciousness
Plant your righteousness seeds
Look to Jesus
The Potent Mixture: Faith and the Word
How do we know the Bible is the true Word of God?
Mixing faith and the Word
Jesus and His Word are one
Release your faith by confessing the Word
See faith coming
Meditate on God's Word
Spiritual sowing and reaping
We Can Live Victoriously
There's a battle to be fought
Complete in spirit, soul, and body
You are a new creation
Set free!
The devil condemns; God convicts
You can have a full life!
You are accepted!
Baptism in Water
New Testament Baptisms
An elementary principle: Doctrine of baptisms
Baptism in water is a demonstration of obedience
Baptism in water makes a public announcement
Baptism in water shows we are dead to sin and alive to Christ
Baptism in water illustrates a New Testament circumcision
Baptism in water shows we are obeying God
Be baptized in water!
More Baptisms
Baptism into the body of Christ
God's wonderful family
Baptism of fire
Drinking the cup
Count it all joy
Persevering in our trials
On fire for Jesus
Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Part 1
The promise of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit lives within every believer
You shall receive power!
We receive by faith
Want to be effective? It's your decision
Saul's experiences with the Holy Spirit
Experiencing His power for yourself
Baptism in the Holy Spirit - Part 2
Receive God's good gift
What about tongues?
I wish you all spoke in tongues
Bypassing the devil!
Kinds of tongues
Eagerly desire
Continue to be filled with the Spirit
The Spirit of Truth
Rivers of living water and joy and the Holy Spirit
Imparting Blessing and Healing
Building for Eternity
An elementary principle: The laying on of hands
Imparting life to one another
Imparting the power of the Holy Spirit
Imparting spiritual gifts
Associate with those who can impart gifts to you
Imparting health to the sick
Any believer can impart a blessing to another
Imparting Authority
To acknowledge a specific ministry
An Old Testament example of imparting authority
Spiritual leaders have the authority to impart
A word of caution: Don't be hasty
Another word of caution: Keep yourself pure
We have delegated authority to minister to others
Receiving authority from others
We Will Live Forever
An elementary principle: The resurrection of the dead
Hope arises from knowing we will be resurrected
Death is abolished!
Our names are in the Book of Life
We graduate to heaven!
What about children?
Preparing a place for us
God Judges All
An elementary principle: Eternal judgment
The judgment seat of Christ
Christians will have to give an account at judgment
The judgment of the wicked - a literal hell
Hell is prepared for the devil and his angels
What about people who have never heard of Jesus?
We must tell them the Good News
We are being changed and we have been redeemed
What Is Grace?
Grace affects everything
God's free gift of grace is the basis of salvation
Mercy vs. grace
No longer under the law but under grace
The Ten Commandments show how important grace is
Grace is more powerful than sin
Cheap grace?
Responding to God's Grace
Totally dependent on God's grace
God gives us unlimited grace to change
Falling short of God's grace
Grace to the humble
Season your speech with grace
God's grace through suffering
Allow His grace to motivate you
Speaking Grace to the Mountain
Grace releases divine energy
Speak grace to impossible situations
We receive grace to reign in life!
God gives gifts according to grace
Comparing is not wise
Impart grace to others
All credit to God
Grace for Everyday Living
Grow in grace
The fruit of the Spirit
Grace to live sexually pure
Grace for marriage
Grace when a marriage fails
Grace for singles
Grace is available; don't miss it!
Let's talk about being dead to sin
Receiving God's grace in your life
What is a Curse?
Freedom from the Curse
Sin enters a perfect world and changes it forever
Satan now causes havoc in the world
Jesus reigns over the devil
Jesus became a curse for us
People suffer because our planet was turned over to the powers of darkness
People suffer because humans make wrong choices
People suffer because of direct satanic attack
We Can Reclaim What the Enemy Stole
We can be victorious!
We live in a covenant relationship with God
We cannot allow the enemy to lie to us
We must stake our claim!
We apply God's Word to our lives
We guard our tongues
We release our inheritance
Receiving Freedom in Jesus' Name
Free spiritually!
Free from sickness and disease
Hindrances to healing
Free from painful memories
Forgive, forgive, forgive
And forgive some more!
Free to have a sound mind
You Can Be Completely Free
Financial freedom
Social freedom
Freedom from demonic activity
Resist the devil, and he will flee
Renounce demonic spirits
Free from family curses
Our spiritual weapons
Coming in Simple Faith
Knowing God Through His Word
Learning to Fellowship with God
How can we get to know such an awesome God?
When three equals one
Jesus is God
God's Word is life to us
God's Word renews our minds
God's Word gives us power to live
Meditate on God’s Word
Knowing God Through Prayer and Worship
Prayer, our communication line with God
Lord, teach us to pray
A model prayer
Let your requests be known
Praise and worship brings us to the Father
He is worthy to receive praise
Expressing worship
How can We Hear God's Voice?
"Is that you, God?"
Acknowledge God's voice
God's voice is compatible with God's Word!
Allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten your spirit
Beware of other voices
Enemy talk vs. the still small voice
Tuning in to God's voice
Hearing His Voice Clearly
The struggle to stay on track
Go back to where you lost your way
The Word of God should 'align';
The peace of God should "align"
Circumstances should "align"
God will make it clear
Listen and communicate!
Your Personal House of Prayer
12 Rooms in Your House of Prayer
The Importance of the Local Church
What is the Church?
We need each other
The church - "called out ones"
A baby Christian needs a family
The local church is God's army
Fitting together
The local church provides leadership and protection
Vulnerable without a local church
Spiritual Family Relationships
The church is made up of family relationships
Family relationships bring unity
New wineskins bring new life
Meeting House To House as a family
Families are connected
Where has God placed you?
Families will multiply
Who Is Watching Out for You?
The importance of commitment to other believers
Leaders give us spiritual protection
Leaders help keep us on track
Leaders equip
Leaders lead
Leaders chosen by God and confirmed by His people
Leaders are always servants
Our Commitment to the Local Church
Common vision in the church
Know where you are called
Agreement in the local church
Support your church's vision
Unified but not exclusive
A unified church will multiply
Roots and the grace of God
Three kinds of churches
The holy building myth and the holy man myth
Understanding the Fear of the Lord and Authority
Authority and Accountability
The fear of the Lord causes us to obey
The fear of the Lord causes us to reverence God
The fear of the Lord causes us to turn away from evil
Why authorities are placed in our lives
What does it mean to submit to authority?
Obedience is better than "sacrifice"
Delegated authority molds us
Delegated Authority in Government, Workplace, Family and Church
Honoring authority in government
Honoring authority in the workplace
How God uses employers in our lives
Honoring authority in the family
Submit to each other in the home
Honoring authority in the church
Sin in a spiritual leader's life
The Blessing of Authority
Submission to authority brings protection
Submission to authority helps us learn principles of faith
Submission to authority trains us in character
Submission to authority provides guidance
What if the authority is wrong?
Maintain an attitude of love and submission
Understanding delegated authority
The Blessing of Accountability
What is personal accountability?
Accountable to Jesus first
Accountable to others
Accountability helps us stand under temptation
Accountability helps us with "blind spots"
Accountability in a small group
Our ultimate authority is Jesus
The Blessings of Submitting to Authority
We Are Managers of God's Money
God's Perspective on Finances
God loves a cheerful giver
We are managers only
We cannot serve God and money
We should expect financial blessings
Is it better to be rich or poor?
Giving keeps us from materialism
Give sacrificially, and your own needs will be met
The Tithe
Giving a portion of our income
Don't try to steal from God
The tithe is a bill to God
Giving systematically
Attitudes toward tithing
God will provide
Where should the tithe go?
Give Both Tithes and Offerings
The difference between a tithe and an offering
Heart and money matters
Tithing - a test in trust
A question to ask: Are you tithing?
Are you tithing to the storehouse?
Excuses to rob God
Receive new freedom
How to Manage the Finances God has Given
Faithful with what we have
Provide for our families
Investing our Master's wealth
Money and relationships
Helping the poor is like investing money in God's bank
Give freely and willingly to meet needs in the kingdom
Give and it will be given
Some Basic Financial Principles
More Basic Financial Principles
Everyone Can Minister
We are equipped to minister
Everyone can serve
Are we exercising spiritually?
How to minister
Let's move out of our comfort zone
It is not our ability, but His
Love conquers all
We Are Called to Serve
What to do, if you want to be great
Serving and ministry - one and the same
Serving in love
How can I serve you?
Touching others by serving
The ministry of "helps"
Training for future ministry
Ministering with Compassion
Loving regardless of the response
Start small
What counts for eternity
God uses imperfect people
Do not be afraid
Connected and protected
We are all kings and priests
We Are on Jesus' Team!
Live each day to the fullest
Expect Jesus to use us
Minister out of His love
Partner with Jesus
Decide to obey
God has chosen you
Teaching With Confidence
What is the Great Commission?
The Great Commission
Go and make disciples
Reach the nations
The strategy
Relationships last forever
Your life is read like a book
Major on Jesus; minor on our differences
Prayer, evangelism, and discipleship
Get Ready for Action! Spiritual Warfare
We are a spiritual army
Prayer - A spiritual weapon to wage war
Truth keeps you grounded
What covers your heart and feet?
Hold your shield of faith in place
Your helmet and sword
Ready for action!
Reaching the Lost and making Disciples
True evangelism
The oikos principle
Kinds of people in your oikos
Spend time mentoring others
Learn and teach by example
Hospitality in homes
Sowing spiritual seeds in others' lives
You Are Called to Be a Spiritual Father or Mother!!
The need for spiritual fathers and mothers
God wants to "turn the hearts of the fathers to the children"
Spiritual children go through growth stages
Growing from spiritual children to young men and women
Spiritual fathers and mothers defined
Our inheritance of spiritual children
Go into all the world and leave a legacy!
My Personal Challenge for You
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Body of Christ
Christian Living
Equipped for Ministry
Fear of the Lord
Good Works
Hearing God
Holy Spirit
Knowing God
Small Group
Spiritual Gifts
Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Weapon
Trust God